
Processing Numeric Values

With Peakboard, you can manipulate numbers in various ways. This template provides the following operations and functions:

  1. Floating-point random number
  2. Integer random number
  3. Addition
  4. Rounding

Floating-point Random Number

To generate a random floating-point number, use the following code:


data.Number = math.random(0, 99) + math.random()

Integer Random Number

To generate a random integer, use this code:


data.Number = math.random(-100, 100)


Addition can be performed as follows:


data.Number = data.Number + 2.65


When rounding, you can choose between rounding to a whole number and rounding with decimal places.

To round to a whole number, use the following code:


data.Number = math.ceil(data.Number)

To round with decimal places, use this code:


data.Number = math.roundwithdecimals(data.Number, 1)

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