Peakboard hub
Version History (06.12.2024) Download
Peakboard Hub API is released with this version.
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[UI] - Updated the UI of the connections page to the new look and feel
[UI] - Updated the UI of the lists page to the new look and feel
[UI] - Updated the UI of the logs page to the new look and feel
[UI] - Updated the UI of the users page to the new look and feel
[UI] - Updated the UI of the alerts page to the new look and feel
[UI] - Added new variables page
[UI] - Improved mobile access
Setup - Added the Peakboard Hub API to the installer
Setup - Improved the Peakboard Hub installer
Boxes - Added runtime updates for box groups
Boxes - Added possibility to schedule runtime updates at specific daytimes
Boxes - Added possibility to define timeframes in which boxes are running
Boxes - Improved box groups, so that box group names can be changed
Boxes - Improved the error message, if the pbadmin was used to connect a box to the Peakboard Hub online
Boxes - Fix issues with uploading Peakboard applications
Boxes - Fix issues with setting a box time server
Lists - Added the possibility to define multiple filters at once
Lists - Added possibility to customize the width of the ID column
Lists - Added column restrictions and validation
Lists - Fixed issues with updating the default value
Lists - Fixed issues with importing lists
Lists - Fixed issues with lists sometimes throwing an column-name-error in the designer
Lists - Fixed issues with problematic column names for lists
[Variables] - Added variables to the Peakboard Hub
[Variables] - Added initial values for variables
[Variables] - Added the possiblity to bind variables to list cells
[API] - Added the Peakboard Hub API for third party access
[Log] - Fixed issue with warning log messages not beeing shown
[Database] - Fixed database update scripts for older database server versions
[Database] - Improved error messages for database issues
[Database] - Improved handling of unallowed characters in database passwords
Users - Added possibility to create API tokens for user groups
Users - Improved warnings for users leaving a company or demoting themselves
Users - Reworked permissions to be part of the user group instead of predefined roles per user
Improved caching for faster loading times
Added expiration time to invitation emails (10.06.2024) Download
The graphical user interface of the Peakboard Hub on premise has been extensively revised in many areas.
Peakboard Boxes - Peakboard Box performance charts corrected
Peakboard Boxes - Added search bar for Peakboard Boxes
Peakboard Boxes - Improved manual addition of a Peakboard Box update file to the Peakboard Hub
Lists - Fixed issues with umlauts in CSV list exports
Lists - Fixed problems with renaming columns
Lists - Fixed sorting issue when adding a new row to a list
Lists - Added list import from CSV
Lists - Added possibility to sort lists by multiple columns
Lists - Added default values for columns when adding a new row
Users - Added user group based permissions for lists
Users - Added ability for users to delete themselves
Fixed issue with the use of ‘;’ in the Peakboard Hub database connection password
Invitation email updated
Update of the framework to .NET 8
Various UI updates (general appearance, some pop-ups, sidebar, Peakboard Box overview, login, some labels changed) (07.02.2024) Download
Control your applications on your Peakboard Boxes via the Peakboard Hub. The new option allows you to execute functions, change variables or lists or even upload files to your Peakboard Box via the Peakboard Hub.
[Web Access] - implemented to be able to control applications on Peakboard Boxes
User - UI Rework
User - Search implemented
Connections - Search implemented
Lists - Revision of the UI
Lists - Revision of the authorization system (12.10.2023) Download
Lists - Fix for a bug where displayed tooltips could no longer be hidden
Lists - Fix for a bug that occurred when switching to another list during editing
Lists - Fix for a bug where only the currently displayed part was sorted instead of the whole table
Lists - Fix for a bug where drag-and-drop was accidentally activated in text fields when trying to select something
Lists - UI extensively reworked
Lists - Added option to sort lists by a column and save this setting in user preferences
Lists - List permission [change structure] added
Lists - Added several list functions that are stored in user preferences
Lists - Added detailed list permissions
Lists - Added scrolling option in list overview area to keep long list names readable
Lists - Lists are sorted alphabetically in the overview
User management - Fix for a bug where it was possible to create user groups with identical names
[Logs] - Fix for a number of bugs in the logs
[Alerts] - UI extensively reworked
Peakboard Boxes - Peakboard Box detail page can only be opened if it is currently available (15.08.2023) Download
Menu icons revised
[Setup] - Use of an existing database allowed
[Setup] - Adjusted to the current Peakboard Designer setup
Lists - Fix for a bug where the display unintentionally automatically jumped back to the first page when editing a value
Lists - Fix for a bug where the display unintentionally changed the number of items shown when editing a value
Lists - Adjusted options for the number of elements displayed per page
Lists - Adjusted select statements for all read processes
[Logs] - Fix for a bug where the filters did not work properly
[Logs] - Added display of affected user and user group
User management - Fix for a bug where it was possible to remove own admin rights as the only administrator
User management - Fix for a bug where a user role was missing
User administration - Fix for a bug where it was not possible to add new user groups
User management - Added new permission [cloud communication]
User Management - Users can be manipulated if the Peakboard Box is added with a user with the appropriate role
Peakboard Boxes - Fix for a bug where Peakboard Boxes could not be deleted properly
Peakboard Boxes - Fixed height defined for screenshots
Peakboard Boxes - Detail view revised (10.07.2023) Download
[Setup] - Fix for a bug where certificates were not installed correctly
[Setup] - Fix for a bug where an unnecessary error message was displayed
[Setup] - Fix for a bug where the [Cancel] button did not work
[Shared connections] - added SMTP transfer protocol
Fix for a bug where too many log messages were issued when a Peakboard Box was unreachable
Fix for a bug where the [Copy] button in the group key dialog did not work
Fix for a bug that occurred when the hostname was missing
Fix for a bug where it was not possible to use the [Set value] function for rows with a large ID
Fix for a bug where it was no longer possible to update Peakboard Boxes correctly
Fix for a bug where the Peakboard Box availability overview stopped working
Fix for a bug where the silent installation did not work anymore
Fix for a bug where deleting a user group while creating it resulted in an error message
Fix for a bug where the version of the Peakboard Boxes was not displayed correctly in the Peakboard Box overview
Limitation of log file size
Removed app connection
License and key generator added
New user role [Screenshot only]
Text fixes in the footer of the main window
Added date of upload in the dropdown list of visualizations
Added Peakboard Hub version display
Adjusted headings of the subpages