
Script for Detecting Keyboard Input

Keyboard input on the Peakboard Box can be detected using a script. An event is created, which is triggered with every key press. The event is linked to a function that decides which action to take based on specific inputs.

Detecting Keyboard Input

There are two types of keyboard input events that can be detected on the Peakboard Box: KeyPressed and KeyInput. The difference between these events is that KeyPressed is triggered with every key press, while KeyInput is only triggered when an input is completed with an Enter key.

The KeyPressed event is better suited for detecting key presses in real-time, as it triggers with every key press.

For text or number inputs that are completed with an Enter key, the KeyInput event is more appropriate, as it only triggers upon completed input.

Creating an Event

To create a KeyPressed or KeyInput event, add a new global event under Scripts in the Package Explorer. Right-click to open a context menu and select either KeyPressed or KeyInput event.

Add Key Event

Once the event is created, you can define the script that will execute when a key press occurs.

Handling KeyPressed Events

Reading the Key Code

The key pressed can be accessed via the event parameter e. Using e.key returns the pressed key as a Key code.


It is important to note that this key code is a numeric value representing the key, not the letter value.

Converting Key Code to Letter

To obtain the letter value of the key, use the keytostring function. This function converts the numeric key code to the corresponding letter value.


Reacting to Keyboard Input

After converting the key code to a letter value, you can react to the input. An if statement can be used to check if the pressed key matches a specific value.

Here is an example that plays a buzzer sound if the A key was pressed:

if keytostring(e.key) == 'A' then

Detecting Modifier Keys

In addition to regular keys, modifier keys like Shift, Control, or Alt can also be detected. The modifiertostring function can be used to return the pressed modifier keys as a string.

Here is an example that checks if the Shift, Control, or Alt key is pressed and changes the background color of a control accordingly:

if string.contains(modifiertostring(e.modifier), 'Shift') then
   screens['Screen1'].ShiftBg.background = brushes.fromhex('#FFFFC400')
   screens['Screen1'].ShiftBg.background = brushes.fromhex('#FF2A6473')

if string.contains(modifiertostring(e.modifier), 'Control') then
   screens['Screen1'].CtrlBg.background = brushes.fromhex('#FFFFC400')
   screens['Screen1'].CtrlBg.background = brushes.fromhex('#FF2A6473')

if string.contains(modifiertostring(e.modifier), 'Alt') then
   screens['Screen1'].AltBg.background = brushes.fromhex('#FFFFC400')
   screens['Screen1'].AltBg.background = brushes.fromhex('#FF2A6473')

Handling KeyInput Events

Unlike KeyPressed events, KeyInput events pass the entire text generated by the key presses. This text can then be processed further.

Get input text

In the script, the text from the event can be read via the parameter e:


Responding to Keyboard Input

After the text has been read from the event, you can respond to the input. An if statement can be used to check if the entered text matches a specific value.

Here is an example that checks if the entered text is Hello:

if string.contains(e.text, 'Hello') then

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