
Error Handling in Scripts

Error handling in Peakboard scripts is managed using the Try catch block, found under Errorhandling in the script editor. A Try catch block consists of several parts:

  • the Try section, where the code is executed and the return variables (error message, error type, and error code) are defined
  • the Do section where the main code is executed
  • the Else section where the error is handled.

The Try catch block is used as follows:

Error Handling in Peakboard Script

When error handling is needed in a script, it is implemented as follows:

local errmsg = ''
local errtype = ''
local errcode = ''

if trycatchfn(function()
      peakboard.log('Execution started')
      errmsg = e.message
      errtype = e.type
      errcode = e.code
   peakboard.log('Execution successfully completed')
   peakboard.log('Execution failed: ' .. errmsg)

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