
Regex - Regular expressions

Regular expressions, commonly called RegEx, are powerful tools for pattern matching and text manipulation. In the Peakboard Designer, you can use RegEx in Lua scripts to extract, validate, or manipulate data from data sources or user input.

Loading the Lua pattern library

Lua provides a pattern matching library that allows the use of RegEx-like patterns for string manipulation. This library is loaded by default, so you don’t need to install any additional packages to work with RegEx in Lua.

To use the pattern library, you can directly call the pattern matching functions provided by Lua.

You can find a quick reference for regular expressions online for example at or many other similar sites.

Pattern matching with string.match()

The string.match() function allows you to find the first occurrence of a pattern in a string. It returns the matching substring as the result.


local matchedText = string.match(inputString, pattern)


local text = "Hello, Lua!"
local pattern = "Hello"
local matchedText = string.match(text, pattern)
print(matchedText) -- Output: "Hello"

In this example, the pattern Hello is matched in the string, and the matched text Hello is returned.

Find all matches with string.gmatch()

You can use the string.gmatch() function to iterate through all occurrences of a pattern in a string. It returns an iterator function that you can use in a loop to find all matches.


for matchedText in string.gmatch(inputString, pattern) do
    -- code block to be executed for each match


local text = "1, 2, 3, 4, 5"
local pattern = "%d+"
for matchedNumber in string.gmatch(text, pattern) do

The output will be:


In this example, the pattern %d+ matches one or more digits (%d) in the string, and each matched number is printed in the loop.

Replace pattern with string.gsub()

The string.gsub() function allows you to replace all occurrences of a pattern in a string with a specified replacement.


local replacedText = string.gsub(inputString, pattern, replacement)


local text = "The quick brown fox"
local pattern = "fox"
local replacement = "dog
local replacedText = string.gsub(text, pattern, replacement)
print(replacedText) -- Output: "The quick brown dog".

In this example, all occurrences of the pattern fox are replaced with the replacement text dog.

Using capture groups

Capture groups are a powerful feature of RegEx that allow you to extract specific parts of a matching pattern. You can use parentheses () to create capture groups in your patterns.


local text = "Name: John, Age: 30"
local pattern = "Name: (%a+), Age: (%d+)"
local name, age = string.match(text, pattern)
print("Name: " .. name)  -- Output: "Name: John"
print("Age: " .. age)    -- Output: "Age: 30"

In this example, the pattern "Name: (%a+), Age: (%d+)" captures the name and age from the input text.

Escaping special characters

When working with RegEx, some characters have special meanings. If you need to match those characters literally, you must escape them with a backslash \\.


local text = "The price is $10"
local pattern = "%$%d+"
local matchedPrice = string.match(text, pattern)
print(matchedPrice)  -- Output: "$10"

In this example, the dollar sign $ is a special character in RegEx, so you need escape it with a backslash \\ to match it literally.

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